The town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, hosted the second regional student festival "The World of ProfTech – Territory of Success" on October 2, 2014 with the assistance of the GS Group investment and industry holding company. Tour around the enterprises of the innovation territorial cluster Technopolis GS for principals of the regional educational institutions was held within the event program.
Tour for administration representatives of the educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region along with the Gusev urban district officials embraced visits to four modern enterprises of the Technopolis GS cluster – GS Nanotech, Prancor, House Building Factory "Beliy klyuch" and Digital Television Systems, as well as to the residential area and memorial park dedicated to the centenary of the First World War. Around 30 participants visited innovative manufactures that employ highly qualified local residents and specialists invited from abroad. They also visited a cottage settlement for the cluster employees which is under construction and the statuary "In memory of the forgotten war that turned the course of history" by Mikhail Shemyakin, unveiled on August 24, 2014.
A series of events within the program of the second regional student festival "The World of ProfTech – Territory of Success" was crowned with the festive fireworks organized by GS Group in the Gusev city stadium. Supporting the annual career-guidance event, the holding company emphasizes the importance of the innovation cluster development as the largest promising employer of the Kaliningrad region and a competitive place to employ graduates of regional educational institutions. Technopolis GS is willing to provide the up-to-date workplaces for talented young professionals and, so, carries out the extensive vocational program to attract them. It embraces holding the international mathematics and physics contests along with cooperation with higher education institutions in Kaliningrad and other regions.
"The World of ProfTech – Territory of Success 2014" is the second regional student festival, aimed at exploring the opportunities of vocational education in the Kaliningrad region. It is organized by the Gusev Polytechnic College and attracts students, graduates and personnel of vocational schools, technical schools and colleges.