Valery Gusarov, Quality Director of Digital Television Systems, JSC, and curator of the Technopolis GS volunteer movement on restoration of military burials sites of World War I in the territory of Kaliningrad region delivered lectures for students of the Kaliningrad Lyceum №49 on November 29, 2014. The lectures were dedicated to "Problems of preserving the national memory of the First World War. Experience of the private initiative by the GS Group holding company."
In the course of the lectures lasting for an hour and a half and given in three classes of the Lyceum, the curator of the Technopolis GS volunteer movement unveiled the program of preserving the memory of the events of the First World War that is developed and implemented by GS Group in the territory of Kaliningrad region. The program embraces a project on restoration and improvement of the burials of those times, developing and launching a website dedicated to the tourist itineraries around the historical sites of World War I ( Besides that, the holding company laid out a memorial park in the territory of the innovation cluster. The statuary "In memory of the forgotten war that turned the course of history" by Mikhail Shemyakin is the heart of the park. These activities are aimed at attracting public attention to the necessity of cherishing the memory of past events.
The lecturer also covered the issue of the impact the First World War has on the modern life and highlighted the importance of family memory to reconstruct the true picture of events. In particular, he drew attention of the Kaliningrad students to the need for providing feasible support to archive Internet projects aimed at restoration of information about the combatants.
Innovation cluster Technopolis GS is developed by the GS Group holding company near the town of Gusev, former Gumbinnen, in the Kaliningrad region. Gumbinnen area was one of the few battlegrounds in the territory of modern Russia during the World War I. The Battle of Gumbinnen which took place in August 1914 and ended with one of the first victories of the Russian Imperial Army became a turning point in the course of battle actions.