GS Group is the key member of the 54th European Regional Science Association Congress (ERSA Congress) which will take place on August 26-29 in St. Petersburg, Russia with the holding assistance. The holding representatives will unveil an innovation cluster Technopolis GS as a successful model of small cities innovative development.
This year the Congress will be dedicated to the best practices of regional development and globalization. Within the session “Regional economic growth and development” GS Group experts will bring out the results and prospects of the unique project Technopolis GS (the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad region) realization. Six high-tech industries have been constructed and put into operation within five years which provided new jobs creation. There are now 2000 employees engaged in the Technopolis GS industries, and this number is expected to increase to 5000 by 2017; 3000 jobs among them are to be allocated for the specialists in the high technologies field. In 2013 GS Venture corporate venture fund, designed to support the innovative entrepreneurship development in the Kaliningrad region, was launched. The first phase of the housing for Technopolis GS employees will be constructed by the end of 2014 and will mark the start of the residential area development. It is planned to launch the construction of administrative and business center, shopping and entertainment mall, as well as R&D center in the nearest future.
Technopolis GS innovation cluster attracts not only technical innovations, it morphs in a place where talented people can express themselves freely, generate and exchange ideas, show results of their creative work. Following the creative city concept, Technopolis GS turns into a town of future and a major attraction of creative thinkers. It builds a creative environment of high quality corresponding to necessary requirements in terms of infrastructure for top-ranked specialists. The cluster has already become a significant place for Russia and the Kaliningrad region, where talented people are given an opportunity to unlock their potential.
It is the implementation of creative milieu approach in Technopolis GS that fundamentally distinguishes it from the other innovation clusters and represents the basis of its sustainable development and new employee’s attraction. GS Group representatives will uncover the concept of establishing Technopolis GS creative environment which is based on the three “Cs” rules: Creative thinkers make Creative events in Creative places.
Speakers will unveil the practical steps to address the major problems existing in small cities such as low standard of living, shortage of qualified personnel, poor quality of social services, and stagnant social and cultural development. According to the holding representatives, such projects as Technopolis GS positively influence the economic situation, infrastructure and social environment of municipal unit and region as a whole.
Besides that, GS Group will invite a number of Russian and European delegates to take a post-conference study tour to Technopolis GS. The trip aims to show the progress achieved while implementing the model of small city economic innovative development, unique for Russia. Tour participants will visit the modern residential area under construction and Technopolis GS industries. After short excursions delegates will attend the round table devoted to the problems of the Russian small cities development. The round table will take place on the territory of GS Nanotech, the most advanced microelectronics products development and manufacturing center in Russia.
Young scientists, members of the Congress, who win the contest of research works, organized by GS Group, will also have a chance to take the study tour in Technopolis GS.